Friday, December 18, 2009

Iranian hacker obscure Twitter for an hour

A group of Iran, the Iranian Cyber Army has hijacked the site of Twitter. The news of the transaction are not yet complete, since Twitter is still investigating. According to preliminary information, it seems that the attack was executed by changing the domain name system (DNS) to, so that the homepage was redirected to a page which featured the logo of the group of hackers and a green flag with written in Arabic. The attack, which occurred for near about one hour From 10 PM to 11 PM Pacific Time, quite a long time for network in which the screen of Twitter has been replaced by ‘IRANIAN CYBER ARMY ‘

Then the situation is back to normal, and the microblogging site has begun to operate. That’s the word networking by pirates, complete with e-mail: “This site has been pirated by ‘Iranian Cyber Army. The United States believed to control and manage their Internet access, but wrong. It is we who control and manage the network with our power, so do not try to provoke the Iranian people. Now, what country is on the list of the embargo? Iran? the U.S.? “. Then a “smile” and two words: “Take care, greetings. In addition, some sentences in Persian praising the Supreme Guide, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and threats to the reform movement Green Wave. US media outlet Fox News reports that the Arabic writing above the flag reads, “Hezbollah is victorious.”

According to reports, the group claimed the cyber attack was not immediately recognized by the investigators. The action could be taken as a reprisal action in the United States government, which during the protests against the Iranian election had intervened to Twitter to remain a tool of the demonstrators in Tehran. In particular, the hottest day of the protest, the Obama administration had asked the operators of social networks to postpone a service job that would lead to temporary deactivation of the site. Twitter, a social network of the world’s most popular and ambitious, has already been the protagonist of other attacks and slowdowns in the past. .

Currently, the Twitter is limited to comment on the incident with a post: “The DNS Twitter have been compromised at the moment, but have now been restored. We are trying to understand the cause of the incident. We will update soon with more info” .

Rick Furguson of Trend Micro commented that “this kind of DNS hijacking usually involves compromising the registrar responsible for the DNS records of the victim company, the attackers then make unauthorized changes to the DNS records. These changes mean that when you or I type a web site address into our browsers, we are directed not to the real web site but to a second site, set up by the hackers, in this case the ‘Iranian Cyber Army’. This has the net effect of making it look like, in this example, servers belonging to Twitter were compromised when in reality that was not the case.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Times Person of the Year 2009

Ben Bernanke

Monday, December 14, 2009

My List of Monthly Dividend Stocks

Symbol Last Row # Dividend Yield Dividend
PIM 6.37 1 9.91 0.49
ICS 13.13 2 4.32 0.48
ETJ 16.39 3 11 0.45
BHV 18.29 4 5.4 0.35
EGF 17.6 5 7.16 0.27
PPT 6.29 6 9.71 0.26
BDJ 9.03 7 10.93 0.25
CRT 35.25 8 6.78 0.19
BQH 15.6 9 6.21 0.17
BTE 26.24 10 7.86 0.17
ERF 22.51 11 9.08 0.17
MJI 13.66 12 6.1 0.17
HNW 18.09 13 10.69 0.16
NMA 14.04 14 6.92 0.15
EOI 14.15 15 11.84 0.14
EOS 14.28 16 12.26 0.14
GGN 16.27 17 10.27 0.14
NVY 13.41 18 6.31 0.14
NZF 13.32 19 6.99 0.14
O 26.39 20 6.58 0.14
PHT 14.35 21 11.66 0.14
PWE 17.13 22 10.18 0.14
NRK 13.37 23 5.49 0.13
AOD 9.16 24 15.88 0.12
BMT 10.38 25 3.52 0.12
ETO 19.18 26 7.43 0.12
IGD 12.25 27 12.25 0.12
PHK 11.24 28 12.92 0.12
SBR 41.01 29 3.63 0.12
SLA 10.93 30 12.72 0.12
UTG 19.15 31 7.38 0.12
VLT 14.16 32 10.47 0.12
AGD 9.98 33 13.28 0.11
ASP 10.91 34 11.93 0.11
BLH 16.3 35 6 0.11
EVT 15.86 36 8.24 0.11
MHD 14.42 37 6.94 0.11
NAN 13 38 6 0.11
NVG 14.16 39 5.92 0.11
NXM 13.04 40 6.34 0.11
PCN 14.25 41 9.01 0.11
BSP 9.91 42 12.83 0.1
CSP 8.72 43 13.52 0.1
EOT 19.58 44 6.29 0.1
ETG 13.73 45 9.12 0.1
MHE 12.31 46 6.3 0.1
NQS 14.33 47 6.82 0.1
AVK 15.2 48 7.49 0.09
BBK 14.12 49 7.2 0.09
BLJ 14.13 50 6.42 0.09
CHI 12.37 51 9.24 0.09
CHY 11.53 52 8.87 0.09
EHI 11.03 53 9.61 0.09
EVG 15.88 54 6.79 0.09
FMN 15.27 55 7.08 0.09
GDF 12.21 56 9.28 0.09
HIX 9.3 57 12.46 0.09
HYT 10.65 58 9.86 0.09
HYV 10.47 59 10.01 0.09
MAV 12.54 60 8.15 0.09
MHI 13.83 61 7.38 0.09
NMB 13.89 62 5.54 0.09
NMZ 12.5 63 8.01 0.09
NPP 13.9 64 6.54 0.09
NPV 15 65 5.36 0.09
NUJ 13.45 66 6.03 0.09
NXZ 13.8 67 6.9 0.09
RNY 13.12 68 6.12 0.09
VBF 19.62 69 5.23 0.09
VGM 13.8 70 7.66 0.09
VMO 13.64 71 7.56 0.09
VOQ 14.47 72 6.97 0.09
VTA 11.45 73 9.1 0.09
VTJ 15.37 74 7 0.09
AFB 13.37 75 6.94 0.08
AKP 12.85 76 7.1 0.08
BBF 12.98 77 6.93 0.08
BFK 12.82 78 7.35 0.08
BFY 14.44 79 6.36 0.08
BFZ 13.25 80 6.83 0.08
BKN 13.64 81 7.15 0.08
BLE 13.71 82 7.15 0.08
BNJ 13.83 83 6.72 0.08
BNY 14.35 84 6.79 0.08
BPK 15.71 85 5.89 0.08
BZA 13.8 86 6.64 0.08
EIV 13.06 87 7.07 0.08
EMJ 14.77 88 6.11 0.08
EVJ 14.24 89 6.64 0.08
EVN 11.51 90 7.87 0.08
FPT 13.8 91 6.9 0.08
FRA 14.68 92 6.72 0.08
FRB 13.58 93 6.69 0.08
FTF 11.76 94 7.85 0.08
HGT 16.67 95 5.79 0.08
KSM 12.78 96 7.26 0.08
MIY 12.85 97 6.96 0.08
MMV 13.82 98 6.54 0.08
MUA 11.95 99 6.78 0.08
MUH 13.29 100 6.81 0.08
MUJ 13.86 101 5.98 0.08
MVT 13.79 102 7.24 0.08
MXA 14.9 103 6.44 0.08
MZF 13.18 104 7.49 0.08
NAD 13.19 105 6.86 0.08
NCO 13.49 106 6.69 0.08
NMO 13.27 107 7.16 0.08
NNJ 13.54 108 5.6 0.08
NNP 13.95 109 5.87 0.08
NQM 13.43 110 6.72 0.08
NQU 13.87 111 6.58 0.08
NTX 15.07 112 5.4 0.08
NUC 13.54 113 7.05 0.08
NVC 13.09 114 7.15 0.08
NVX 13.22 115 7.12 0.08
NXP 14.98 116 4.82 0.08
NZH 12.33 117 7.33 0.08
PBT 13.32 118 7.62 0.08
PCQ 12.63 119 7.16 0.08
PHD 12.2 120 7.48 0.08
PIF 13.78 121 6.51 0.08
PMF 12.73 122 7.66 0.08
PSY 9.01 123 10.01 0.08
SBW 12.68 124 7.56 0.08
VCV 12.1 125 7.45 0.08
VKQ 13.16 126 7.27 0.08
VPV 12.54 127 7.19 0.08
VTN 14.06 128 7.13 0.08
AYN 13.21 129 6.46 0.07
BAF 13.77 130 5.98 0.07
BCK 12.95 131 6.11 0.07
BCL 13.09 132 6.79 0.07
BGT 14.05 133 5.72 0.07
BIE 13.44 134 6.6 0.07
BIE 13.44 135 6.6 0.07
BJZ 14.92 136 5.77 0.07
BLW 14.49 137 5.85 0.07
BSD 11.67 138 7.16 0.07
BSE 13.47 139 5.79 0.07
BYM 13.49 140 6.2 0.07
BZM 15.05 141 5.37 0.07
CEV 11.95 142 7.21 0.07
DVF 9.42 143 8.74 0.07
EFR 14.57 144 6.17 0.07
EFT 13.6 145 6.47 0.07
EIA 11.83 146 7.22 0.07
EIM 12.69 147 7.06 0.07
EIP 13.97 148 5.98 0.07
EMI 11.8 149 7.18 0.07
ENX 14.45 150 5.55 0.07
EVM 11.93 151 7.04 0.07
EVO 13.04 152 6.87 0.07
EVP 13.42 153 6.4 0.07
EVY 13.65 154 6.37 0.07
FCO 12.51 155 6.71 0.07
IIM 13.95 156 6.24 0.07
IMT 13.49 157 6.45 0.07
IQI 12.26 158 6.97 0.07
IQT 12.66 159 6.78 0.07
KTF 11.8 160 7.16 0.07
MAB 13.91 161 5.92 0.07
MFL 12.98 162 6.28 0.07
MFL 12.98 163 6.28 0.07
MFT 12.98 164 6.09 0.07
MFT 12.98 165 6.09 0.07
MHN 13.43 166 6.16 0.07
MIW 13.11 167 6.6 0.07
MPA 13.44 168 5.87 0.07
MPA 13.44 169 5.87 0.07
MQY 13.85 170 6.03 0.07
MUE 12.98 171 6.51 0.07
MUI 13.21 172 5.96 0.07
MUS 12.78 173 6.58 0.07
MXN 14.8 174 5.88 0.07
MYC 12.92 175 6.26 0.07
MYD 13.01 176 6.4 0.07
MYF 12.6 177 6.19 0.07
MYJ 14.09 178 5.99 0.07
MYM 11.83 179 6.68 0.07
MZA 12.94 180 6.28 0.07
NAC 12.51 181 6.87 0.07
NBH 13.52 182 6.23 0.07
NBJ 13.54 183 6.17 0.07
NBW 13.48 184 6.12 0.07
NCL 12.79 185 6.47 0.07
NCP 12.47 186 6.78 0.07
NCU 11.99 187 6.62 0.07
NEA 13.8 188 5.94 0.07
NIF 13.84 189 6.22 0.07
NII 15.36 190 5.11 0.07
NIO 13.42 191 6 0.07
NKO 13.15 192 5.89 0.07
NKX 12.61 193 6.27 0.07
NNB 14.9 194 5.38 0.07
NNO 16.04 195 5.11 0.07
NPF 12.96 196 6.5 0.07
NPI 13.21 197 6.4 0.07
NPM 13.38 198 6.54 0.07
NPT 12.13 199 6.58 0.07
NPY 12.47 200 6.33 0.07
NQC 12.75 201 6.84 0.07
NQI 13.52 202 6.32 0.07
NQP 13.1 203 6.38 0.07
NRB 16.2 204 5.1 0.07
NUM 12.78 205 6.18 0.07
NUO 15.2 206 5.91 0.07
NVJ 14.3 207 6.1 0.07
NXI 13.9 208 6.07 0.07
NXJ 12.97 209 6.04 0.07
NXK 12.88 210 6.14 0.07
NYH 13.13 211 6.64 0.07
PAI 12.75 212 6.6 0.07
PGH 9.49 213 8.57 0.07
PMO 11.15 214 7.13 0.07
PMX 10.53 215 7.91 0.07
PNI 10.85 216 7.29 0.07
PPM 14.16 217 6.14 0.07
RFA 12.5 218 6.77 0.07
SGL 10.78 219 7.77 0.07
VIM 12.94 220 6.58 0.07
VKI 11.46 221 7.66 0.07
VKL 11.41 222 7.7 0.07
VMV 11.84 223 7 0.07
APX 8.52 224 6.51 0.06
BFO 13.21 225 5.1 0.06
BKK 14.71 226 5.05 0.06
BPS 12.8 227 6 0.06
BTA 9.95 228 7.22 0.06
COY 6.63 229 10.97 0.06
COY 6.63 230 10.97 0.06
EBI 14.1 231 5.55 0.06
EIO 12.64 232 5.77 0.06
EOE 9.16 233 8.31 0.06
GDV 12.87 234 5.69 0.06
HYB 8.93 235 8.77 0.06
IIC 12.63 236 5.91 0.06
IMS 14.01 237 4.1 0.06
IQC 11.71 238 6.6 0.06
IQN 13.09 239 5.52 0.06
JRO 10.15 240 7.36 0.06
KHI 8.54 241 9.26 0.06
MCA 12.5 242 5.84 0.06
MCR 8.99 243 7.44 0.06
MEN 10.51 244 6.31 0.06
MEN 10.51 245 6.31 0.06
MNE 12.17 246 5.49 0.06
MNP 13.19 247 5.94 0.06
MQT 11.71 248 6.34 0.06
MUC 12.59 249 5.97 0.06
MYI 12.3 250 5.91 0.06
NAZ 12.88 251 5.47 0.06
NBO 13.28 252 5.94 0.06
NFC 15.4 253 5.01 0.06
NFM 13.84 254 5.6 0.06
NFZ 12.45 255 5.47 0.06
NGB 14.49 256 5.41 0.06
NGK 15.07 257 5.02 0.06
NGO 13.91 258 5.24 0.06
NGX 14.65 259 5.18 0.06
NKG 12.94 260 5.56 0.06
NKR 13.18 261 5.89 0.06
NMP 12.34 262 6.23 0.06
NMT 14.01 263 5.61 0.06
NMY 13.71 264 5.4 0.06
NNC 15.17 265 4.91 0.06
NNF 13.28 266 5.43 0.06
NNY 9.61 267 4.41 0.06
NOM 15.64 268 4.34 0.06
NPC 13.33 269 5.86 0.06
NPG 13.25 270 5.38 0.06
NPX 12.23 271 6.12 0.06
NQJ 13.02 272 5.99 0.06
NQN 13.43 273 5.68 0.06
NTC 13.95 274 5.08 0.06
NUN 13.13 275 5.71 0.06
NVN 13.38 276 5.71 0.06
NWI 13.67 277 5.46 0.06
NXC 13.17 278 5.05 0.06
NXE 12.53 279 5.86 0.06
NXQ 13.95 280 4.75 0.06
NZR 13.4 281 5.71 0.06
NZW 12.25 282 6.26 0.06
NZX 14.21 283 5.38 0.06
PCK 8.53 284 8.75 0.06
PFL 11.74 285 6.39 0.06
PML 10.85 286 7.16 0.06
PNF 10.32 287 6.69 0.06
PSW 8.25 288 8.81 0.06
PVX 6.65 289 10.52 0.06
PZC 9.18 290 7.81 0.06
RAA 12.12 291 5.23 0.06
RIT 8.05 292 9.08 0.06
RNJ 12.51 293 6.09 0.06
VAZ 11.55 294 4.16 0.06
BNA 9.48 295 6.46 0.05
CYE 6.24 296 10.61 0.05
CYE 6.24 297 10.61 0.05
DMF 8.5 298 6.73 0.05
DSM 7.77 299 6.99 0.05
DTF 14.47 300 4.57 0.05
EGAS 9.15 301 5.9 0.05
HIO 6.02 302 10.54 0.05
HTE 9.37 303 6.12 0.05
IGR 6.2 304 8.77 0.05
IRC 7.96 305 7.22 0.05
JFR 9.83 306 6.28 0.05
JHP 6.76 307 9.11 0.05
JPS 6.95 308 9.32 0.05
JTP 6.3 309 9.19 0.05
LEO 8 310 7.38 0.05
MIN 6.82 311 8.55 0.05
MMT 6.43 312 8.44 0.05
MVF 9.49 313 6.68 0.05
MYN 11.86 314 5.59 0.05
NMI 11.23 315 5.09 0.05
NUV 9.8 316 4.73 0.05
NXN 13.92 317 4.42 0.05
NXR 14.97 318 4.22 0.05
PFO 7.76 319 7.94 0.05
PIA 7.93 320 6.78 0.05
PYN 9.06 321 6.99 0.05
SJT 17.58 322 3.82 0.05
VCF 13.2 323 4.32 0.05
VMM 12.27 324 4.65 0.05
BHY 5.94 325 8.8 0.04
CMK 7.93 326 6.2 0.04
FAX 6.51 327 6.48 0.04
GIM 9.72 328 5.21 0.04
MFM 6.46 329 7.79 0.04
MGF 7.43 330 7.1 0.04
MHF 7.53 331 5.93 0.04
NCA 9.08 332 5.01 0.04
NIM 10.68 333 3.98 0.04
NSL 6.93 334 7.06 0.04
OIA 6.23 335 6.74 0.04
OIB 6.99 336 6.7 0.04
OIC 7.61 337 6.68 0.04
PCF 7.14 338 7.34 0.04
PMM 6.7 339 7.22 0.04
SBI 8.95 340 4.91 0.04
AAV 6.16 341 12.69 0.03
ARK 3.52 342 8.62 0.03
AWP 6.04 343 5.97 0.03
DSU 3.52 344 10.42 0.03
DSU 3.52 345 10.42 0.03
EVF 6.03 346 5.83 0.03
FCM 11.33 347 3.2 0.03
PDS 6.88 348 16.56 0.03
VVR 4.15 349 7.29 0.03
BKT 6.4 350 4.53 0.02
NRO 2.9 351 8.36 0.02
HIS 1.83 352 8.75 0.01

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dow at new '09 high

A better-than-expected reading on consumer spending and sentiment propels the blue chip average to the highest point in 14 months. But a strong dollar limits gains.

By Alexandra Twin, senior writer

NEW YORK ( -- Better-than-expected reports on retail sales and consumer sentiment lifted big blue chip stocks Friday, but gains were limited by weakness in technology and the strength of the U.S. dollar.
The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) rose 66 points, or 0.6%, to finish at its highest level of 2009. The S&P 500 index (SPX) gained 4 points, or 0.4%. The Nasdaq composite (COMP) ended little changed. The Dow and the S&P ended the week higher, but the Nasdaq slipped.
Big consumer stocks Coca-Cola (KO, Fortune 500), McDonald's (MCD, Fortune 500) and Walt Disney (DIS, Fortune 500) were among the Dow's gainers. Conglomerates General Electric (GM, Fortune 500) and 3M (MMM, Fortune 500) also gained, reflecting some economic optimism.
"The retail sales look good today and that's helping, but there could be a report next week that doesn't look as good," said Bernard McGinn, CEO at McGinn Investment Management. "People are reading into the market whatever they want to at the moment, because they're basically done for the year."
Trading volume has been light so far this month and trading more volatile as investors close the books early on a tumultuous year. As of Friday's close, the S&P 500 has gained 64% since closing at a 12-year low on March 9.
Stocks jumped across the board Thursday as investors sorted through reports on jobs, housing, net worth and the deficit. But investors worked to sustain that advance Friday amid a deluge of information.
Additionally, the major stock indexes are bumping up against multi-month highs, with the Dow flirting with a fresh 14-month high, as of Friday afternoon, and the S&P 500 and Nasdaq sitting just below those same levels.

Better-than-expected reports on retail sales and consumer sentiment helped soothe worries about the economy in the first half of 2010.
Weak consumer spending has threatened to crater a still-burgeoning recovery, particularly once the fiscal and monetary stimulus that has propped up the economy starts to wind down.
Retail sales climbed 1.3% in November, the Commerce Department reported Friday, easily surpassing analysts' forecasts for a rise of 0.7%. Sales rose 1.1% in October.
Sales excluding autos rose 1.2% after showing no change in October. Economists thought sales would rise 0.4%.
The University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index rose to 73.4 from 67.4, versus forecasts for a rise to 68.8.

Market movers:
Boeing (BA, Fortune 500), Coca-Cola (KO, Fortune 500), McDonald's (MCD, Fortune 500), United Technologies (UTX, Fortune 500) and Alcoa (AA, Fortune 500) were among the Dow's big winners.
United Technologies rose 2.2% a day after it forecast that profits would rise about 10% in 2010.
Alcoa rose as part of a bullish note on the mining sector from JPMorgan Chase.
Market breadth was positive and volume was light. On the New York Stock Exchange, winners topped losers two to one on volume of 1.02 billion shares. On the Nasdaq, advancers beat decliners three to two on volume of 1.76 billion shares.

World markets:
Overseas markets gained. In Europe, London's FTSE 100 rose 0.3%, the German DAX rose 0.8% and France's CAC 40 rose 0.1%. Asian markets rose, with the Japanese Nikkei adding 2.5%.

The dollar gained versus the euro and yen, continuing its recent recovery march after having slid for the better part of the year.
The weak dollar has helped stocks rally over the past nine months, giving a boost to dollar-traded commodity shares and the stocks of companies that do business overseas. But over the last two weeks, the dollar has churned or moved higher, cutting into commodity gains and the

The stronger U.S. dollar pressured dollar-traded commodity prices, with gold and oil both sliding.
COMEX gold for February delivery fell $6.30 to settle at $1,119.90 an ounce. Gold closed at an all-time high of $1,218.30 an ounce last week.
U.S. light crude oil for January delivery fell 67 cents to settle at $69.87 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Treasury prices fell, raising the yield on the 10-year note to 3.55% from 3.5% late Wednesday.
Treasury prices and yields move in opposite directions.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dividend Calendar

A link I wanted to share, great calendar that shows dividend dates:

Dividend Calender

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Windows 7 complaints begin

Users of the new operating system say the upgrading process is buggy. But once the kinks are worked out, customers are liking Windows 7 a lot more than Vista.

By David Goldman, staff writer
Microsoft Windows is by far the most widely used operating system in the world, but there were a few big bumps in the road on the way to global domination.
Top 10 Windows 7 complaints
Problem % of complaints
1. Problems with installation 31%
2. Missing applets or components 26%
3. Aero theme is not running 14%
4. DVD drive not found 8%
5. Hidden extensions 6%
6. Too many minidumps 6%
7. Aero snap problems 3%
8. iPhone won't sync with Windows 7 2%
9. Custom icons get changed with new theme 2%
10. Taskbar problems 1%
NEW YORK ( -- Microsoft launched Windows 7 in late October to much fanfare. But, just like with previous Windows upgrades, complaints about bugs have already started rolling in.
A whopping 31% of clients have reported problems with upgrading to Windows 7, according to a recent survey of more than 100,000 customers conducted by consumer helpdesk firm iYogi.

"Most of the problems that customers have with Windows 7 have to do with installation, or application and data migration," said Vishal Dhar, co-founder of iYogi. "These are all fixable problems, but they're annoyances and they're time consuming."

Tanker Stocks Due for a Long Haul

Tanker Stocks Due for a Long Haul

By Jim Cramer

About this article:
We have lots of talk these days about the outrageous amount of oil being stored in ships around the globe. To me, this huge number, which seems to grow by the day, seems like an incredible manipulation to keep prices high, but the motivation is neither here nor there. The reality is that rates are moving up gigantically because of it. Right now, according to the Lloyd's shipping newspaper, we are seeing 149 ships now deployed for temporary storage, a jump of 29, and they include 37 of the very large crude carriers, 17 smaller ones and 95 long-range product tankers. Lloyd's reports that 30 of these storage facilities are chartered right from the shipyards. Rates are skyrocketing to $32,000 a day -- the highest since July, and I think they are going higher because there is so much demand for temporary storage.

Monthly Dividend Stocks

Here's my short list:

Symbol Yesterday Close Last Change Dividend Yield
AAV 5.59 5.73 0.14 12.69
AFB 13.57 13.37 -0.2 6.96
AGD 9.89 9.9 0.01 13.33
AKP 12.85 12.85 0.005 7.11
AOD 8.94 8.94 0 16.11
APX 8.63 8.51 -0.12 6.56
ARK 3.44 3.43 -0.01 8.75
ASP 10.9001 10.93 0.0299 11.97
ASP 10.9001 10.93 0.0299 11.97
ASP 10.9001 10.93 0.0299 11.97
AVK 15.02 15.04 0.02 7.49
AWP 6.09 6.01 -0.08 5.99
AWP 6.09 6.01 -0.08 5.99
AWP 6.09 6.01 -0.08 5.99
AWP 6.09 6.01 -0.08 5.99
AWP 6.09 6.01 -0.08 5.99
AYN 13.15 13.09 -0.06 6.51
BBK 14.2 14.15 -0.05 7.21
BCK 12.89 12.85 -0.04 6.16
BCL 13.05 13 -0.05 6.88
BDJ 8.75 8.75 0 11.2
BFK 12.58 12.65 0.07 7.46
BFO 13.29 13.28 -0.0101 5.06
BFY 14.747 14.67 -0.077 6.54
BFZ 13.29 13.34 0.05 6.81
BGT 13.94 13.84 -0.1 5.85
BHV 18.848 18.16 -0.688 5.29
BJZ 15.07 14.94 -0.13 5.78
BKK 14.58 14.53 -0.05 5.14
BKN 13.35 13.63 0.28 7.18
BKT 6.36 6.37 0.01 4.52
BLE 13.31 13.35 0.04 7.28
BLH 16.33 16.37 0.04 6.01
BLJ 14.2 14.12 -0.08 6.42
BLW 14.33 14.29 -0.04 5.88
BMT 10.49 10.49 0 3.48
BNA 9.48 9.47 -0.01 6.46
BNJ 13.85 13.87 0.02 6.71
BNY 14.88 14.86 -0.02 6.66
BPK 15.61 15.75 0.1367 5.94
BPS 12.8 12.78 -0.02 6.01
BQH 15.31 15.48 0.1699 6.05
BSD 11.74 11.73 -0.008 7.16
BSE 13.29 13.35 0.06 5.89
BSP 9.66 9.7 0.044 12.98
BSP 9.66 9.7 0.044 12.98
BSP 9.66 9.7 0.044 12.98
BSP 9.66 9.7 0.044 12.98
BTA 9.86 9.81 -0.05 7.28
BTE 26.42 25.89 -0.53 7.98
BYM 13.29 13.18 -0.11 6.24
BZA 13.66 13.7 0.04 6.74
BZM 15.16 15.22 0.06 5.35
CEV 11.88 12 0.12 7.22
CHI 12.1 12.17 0.072 9.37
CHY 11.31 11.39 0.08 8.96
CMK 7.95 7.96 0.01 6.18
CRT 34.23 34.61 0.38 6.74
CSP 8.748 8.73 -0.018 13.47
DMF 8.48 8.48 0 6.72
DSM 7.76 7.8 0.0362 6.93
DTF 14.52 14.51 -0.01 4.55
DVF 9.36 9.3 -0.06 8.84
EBI 14.19 13.99 -0.2 5.48
EFR 14.43 14.28 -0.15 6.22
EFT 13.52 13.48 -0.04 6.5
EGAS 8.87 8.94 0.07 6.04
EGF 17.39 17.48 0.09 7.21
EHI 10.86 10.85 -0.01 9.68
EIA 11.46 11.55 0.0863 7.37
EIM 12.5 12.5 0 7.17
EIO 13.7332 13.78 0.0468 5.38
EIP 14.12 14.3 0.18 5.79
EIV 12.6901 12.68 -0.0101 7.28
EMI 11.88 11.87 -0.01 7.24
EMJ 15.28 15.1 -0.175 5.99
ENX 13.71 13.7 -0.01 5.86
EOE 9.02 9.03 0.01 8.37
EOI 13.79 13.63 -0.16 12.06
EOS 13.9 13.88 -0.02 12.45
EOT 19.38 19.62 0.24 6.32
EOT 19.38 19.62 0.24 6.32
ERF 22.7 22.25 -0.45 9.19
ETG 13.59 13.42 -0.17 9.17
ETJ 16.25 16.2 -0.05 11.11
ETJ 16.25 16.2 -0.05 11.11
ETO 19.06 18.88 -0.18 7.42
EVF 5.91 5.94 0.03 5.86
EVG 15.62 15.86 0.24 6.81
EVJ 13.94 14.05 0.11 6.75
EVM 11.486 11.58 0.094 7.25
EVN 11.67 11.72 0.05 7.76
EVO 13.55 13.64 0.0944 6.53
EVP 13.16 13.33 0.17 6.5
EVP 13.16 13.33 0.17 6.5
EVP 13.16 13.33 0.17 6.5
EVT 15.63 15.6 -0.03 8.27
EVV 14.83 14.98 0.15 9.28
EVY 13.42 13.71 0.29 6.42
FAX 6.52 6.5 -0.016 6.46
FCM 11.13 11.23 0.1 3.21
FCO 12.6901 12.5 -0.19 6.72
FMN 14.7 14.76 0.06 7.32
FPT 14.06 13.79 -0.27 6.87
FRA 14.42 14.34 -0.08 6.82
FRB 13.4 13.3 -0.1 6.77
FTF 11.4875 11.42 -0.0675 7.99
GDF 11.92 11.94 0.0154 9.55
GDV 12.71 12.52 -0.19 5.75
GGN 16.4 16.32 -0.0781 10.29
GIM 9.62 9.57 -0.05 5.27
HGT 16.01 15.97 -0.04 5.75
HIO 5.76 5.82 0.06 10.82
HIX 8.98 8.95 -0.03 12.74
HNW 17.98 17.94 -0.04 10.7
HTE 9.43 9.3 -0.13 6.16
HYB 8.67 8.7 0.03 8.97
ICS 12.82 12.84 0.02 4.44
IGD 11.96 12.03 0.07 12.47
IGR 6.16 6.06 -0.1 8.91
IIC 12.66 12.66 0 5.92
IIM 13.87 13.82 -0.05 6.3
IMS 13.88 13.85 -0.0291 4.12
IMT 13.37 13.3 -0.07 6.54
IQC 11.57 11.62 0.05 6.71
IQI 12.3 12.25 -0.05 6.98
IQN 12.89 12.92 0.0301 5.57
IQT 12.68 12.69 0.01 6.74
IRC 7.95 7.96 0.01 7.16
JFR 9.83 9.83 0 6.23
JHP 6.65 6.69 0.04 9.15
JPS 6.96 7 0.04 9.26
JRO 10.15 10.12 -0.03 7.35
JTP 6.31 6.34 0.03 9.09
KHI 8.2 8.23 0.0299 9.48
KSM 12.56 12.56 0 7.98
KTF 11.57 11.65 0.08 7.21
LEO 8.02 8.04 0.02 7.31
MAB 14.0015 14 -0.0015 5.93
MAV 12.81 12.7 -0.11 8.03
MCR 9.09 9.13 0.04 7.36
MFM 6.68 6.61 -0.07 7.62
MGF 7.32 7.35 0.03 7.14
MHF 7.42 7.42 0 5.98
MHI 13.65 13.68 0.03 7.46
MIN 6.83 6.83 0 8.55
MIW 13.64 13.55 -0.0899 6.38
MMT 6.39 6.4 0.008 8.44
MMV 14.21 13.76 -0.45 6.58
MNE 12.2 12.26 0.06 5.43
MNP 13.06 13.07 0.01 5.97
MUI 13.36 13.37 0.01 5.88
MXA 14.42 14.42 0 6.45
MXN 14.33 14.3 -0.03 6.08
MZF 13.19 13.17 -0.02 7.52
NAC 12.51 12.51 0 6.91
NAD 13.25 13.24 -0.01 6.89
NAN 13.168 13.19 0.022 5.96
NAZ 13.3 13.13 -0.17 5.39
NBH 13.38 13.35 -0.03 5.39
NBJ 13.51 13.61 0.1 6.08
NBO 13.02 13.07 0.0525 5.42
NBW 13.26 13.24 -0.02 5.35
NCA 9.12 9.13 0.01 4.99
NCL 12.84 12.89 0.05 6.42
NCO 13.24 13.25 0.01 6.79
NCP 12.6399 12.59 -0.0499 6.77
NCU 12.03 12.02 -0.01 6.64
NEA 13.69 13.71 0.02 5.95
NFC 14.8899 15.03 0.1401 5.11
NFM 13.452 13.93 0.478 5.6
NFZ 12.53 12.58 0.05 5.44
NGB 14.41 14.37 -0.04 5.34
NGK 14.75 14.76 0.01 5.29
NGO 13.5395 13.65 0.1105 5.27
NGX 14.85 14.6 -0.25 5.18
NIF 13.57 13.64 0.07 6.33
NII 15.158 15.25 0.092 5.19
NIM 10.25 10.5 0.25 4
NIO 13.4 13.37 -0.03 6.06
NKG 12.84 12.9 0.06 5.58
NKO 13.01 13.1 0.0855 5.91
NKR 13.05 13.05 -0.005 5.89
NKX 12.6 12.6 0 6.29
NMA 14 14.01 0.01 6.94
NMB 14.26 14.12 -0.14 5.44
NMI 10.9 10.97 0.07 5.14
NMO 13.53 13.5 -0.03 7.11
NMP 12.31 12.29 -0.02 6.25
NMT 13.87 13.85 -0.02 5.63
NMY 13.96 13.85 -0.11 5.37
NMZ 12.27 12.43 0.16 8.06
NNB 14.75 14.68 -0.0701 5.4
NNC 15.059 15 -0.059 4.96
NNF 13.1601 13.16 -0.0031 5.47
NNJ 13.42 13.47 0.05 5.61
NNO 15.33 15.23 -0.1 5.36
NNP 13.81 13.78 -0.03 5.92
NNY 9.53 9.64 0.11 4.42
NOM 14.15 14.3 0.15 4.78
NPC 13.12 13.1 -0.02 5.95
NPF 12.82 12.86 0.04 6.53
NPG 13.02 12.99 -0.03 5.45
NPI 13.27 13.28 0.01 6.42
NPM 13.34 13.31 -0.03 6.58
NPP 13.94 13.94 0 6.54
NPT 12.19 12.23 0.04 6.57
NPV 14.7 14.72 0.02 5.46
NPX 12.158 12.11 -0.048 6.14
NPY 12.45 12.47 0.02 6.35
NQC 12.86 12.81 -0.05 6.84
NQI 13.38 13.43 0.05 6.34
NQJ 13.1 13.05 -0.05 5.98
NQM 13.43 13.38 -0.05 6.73
NQN 13.3 13.28 -0.02 5.74
NQP 13.1 13.15 0.05 6.39
NQS 14.29 14.36 0.07 6.85
NQU 13.76 13.75 -0.01 6.63
NRB 16.2 16.22 0.015 5.11
NRK 13.2335 13.31 0.0753 5.55
NRO 2.86 2.9 0.04 8.28
NSL 6.68 6.72 0.04 7.14
NTC 13.82 13.82 0 5.12
NTX 15.19 15.14 -0.0501 5.39
NUC 13.72 13.75 0.03 6.98
NUJ 13.5 13.25 -0.25 6.16
NUM 12.89 12.85 -0.04 6.16
NUN 13.1 13.12 0.02 5.76
NUO 15.25 15.29 0.04 5.81
NUV 9.82 9.87 0.05 4.74
NVC 13.23 13.28 0.0455 7.14
NVG 13.89 13.9 0.01 6.04
NVJ 14.22 14.4 0.18 6.08
NVN 13.15 13.28 0.13 5.78
NVX 13.3 13.24 -0.06 7.16
NVY 13.42 13.58 0.16 6.19
NWI 13.98 13.95 -0.03 5.42
NXC 13.21 13.14 -0.07 5.07
NXE 12.65 12.74 0.09 5.84
NXI 13.88 13.88 0.004 6.05
NXJ 12.942 12.98 0.0386 6.01
NXK 13.0999 13.01 -0.0899 6.13
NXM 13.28 13.36 0.08 6.2
NXN 13.74 13.8 0.06 4.43
NXP 14.53 14.72 0.19 4.85
NXQ 13.78 13.89 0.11 4.79
NXR 14.5999 14.55 -0.0499 4.41
NXZ 13.98 13.93 -0.0499 6.89
NYH 12.93 12.98 0.0499 6.72
NZF 13.51 13.43 -0.08 6.97
NZH 12.24 12.28 0.04 7.33
NZR 13.8101 13.76 -0.0501 5.67
NZW 12.38 12.34 -0.04 6.22
NZX 14.2301 14.35 0.1198 5.35
O 25.56 25.4 -0.16 6.74
OIA 6.22 6.25 0.03 6.72
OIB 6.95 6.94 -0.01 6.7
OIC 7.68 7.64 -0.0421 6.68
PAI 12.61 12.74 0.13 6.59
PBT 13.16 12.92 -0.24 7.67
PCF 7 7.05 0.05 7.47
PCK 8.82 8.69 -0.13 8.63
PCN 14.07 14.22 0.1499 8.97
PCQ 12.81 12.96 0.15 7.13
PDS 7.04 6.91 -0.13 16.56
PFL 11.56 11.7 0.1399 6.43
PFO 7.4 7.46 0.06 8.04
PGH 9.27 9.08 -0.19 8.76
PHD 11.7 11.7 0 7.69
PHK 11.3008 11.55 0.2492 12.85
PHT 14.12 14.17 0.05 11.64
PIA 8.06 8.05 -0.01 6.71
PIF 13.72 13.73 0.01 6.51
PIM 6.17 6.18 0.01 10.29
PMF 12.76 12.81 0.05 7.61
PML 10.74 10.8 0.06 7.22
PMM 6.7299 6.7 -0.0307 7.2
PMO 11.19 11.13 -0.06 7.15
PMX 10.554 10.61 0.056 7.92
PNF 10.2 10.23 0.03 6.69
PNI 11.04 11 -0.04 7.23
PPM 14.08 14.12 0.04 6.16
PPT 6.1 6.11 0.01 9.82
PSW 8.15 8.17 0.017 8.82
PSY 8.91 8.94 0.03 10.07
PVX 6.57 6.51 -0.06 10.59
PWE 17.04 16.64 -0.4 10.25
PYN 9 9.05 0.05 6.96
PZC 9.17 9.21 0.04 7.82
RIT 7.84 7.85 0.01 9.17
SBI 9.05 9.05 0 4.91
SBR 41.2 41.01 -0.19 3.59
SBW 12.79 12.74 -0.05 7.54
SGL 10.68 10.61 -0.07 7.83
SJT 17.33 17.43 0.1 3.74
SLA 10.55 10.56 0.01 13.18
UTG 18.6699 18.58 -0.0899 7.43
VAZ 11.4 11.46 0.06 4.19
VBF 19.39 19.32 -0.07 5.28
VCF 13.14 12.95 -0.19 4.4
VCV 12.56 12.57 0.01 7.26
VGM 13.82 13.83 0.01 7.64
VIM 13.05 12.98 -0.07 6.56
VKI 11.27 11.31 0.043 7.77
VKL 11.45 11.48 0.03 7.65
VKQ 13.23 13.29 0.06 7.26
VLT 13.84 13.86 0.02 10.62
VMM 12.3 12.21 -0.091 4.63
VMO 13.58 13.58 0 7.6
VMV 12.0001 11.83 -0.1701 7
VOQ 15.0848 15.08 0 6.76
VPV 12.59 12.64 0.05 7.15
VTA 11.13 11.1 -0.03 9.24
VTJ 15.4 15.33 -0.07 7.01
VTN 14.2 14.11 -0.09 7.1
VVR 4.14 4.11 -0.03 7.28