Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Windows 7 complaints begin

Users of the new operating system say the upgrading process is buggy. But once the kinks are worked out, customers are liking Windows 7 a lot more than Vista.

By David Goldman, staff writer
Microsoft Windows is by far the most widely used operating system in the world, but there were a few big bumps in the road on the way to global domination.
Top 10 Windows 7 complaints
Problem % of complaints
1. Problems with installation 31%
2. Missing applets or components 26%
3. Aero theme is not running 14%
4. DVD drive not found 8%
5. Hidden extensions 6%
6. Too many minidumps 6%
7. Aero snap problems 3%
8. iPhone won't sync with Windows 7 2%
9. Custom icons get changed with new theme 2%
10. Taskbar problems 1%
NEW YORK ( -- Microsoft launched Windows 7 in late October to much fanfare. But, just like with previous Windows upgrades, complaints about bugs have already started rolling in.
A whopping 31% of clients have reported problems with upgrading to Windows 7, according to a recent survey of more than 100,000 customers conducted by consumer helpdesk firm iYogi.

"Most of the problems that customers have with Windows 7 have to do with installation, or application and data migration," said Vishal Dhar, co-founder of iYogi. "These are all fixable problems, but they're annoyances and they're time consuming."

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