Friday, December 18, 2009

Iranian hacker obscure Twitter for an hour

A group of Iran, the Iranian Cyber Army has hijacked the site of Twitter. The news of the transaction are not yet complete, since Twitter is still investigating. According to preliminary information, it seems that the attack was executed by changing the domain name system (DNS) to, so that the homepage was redirected to a page which featured the logo of the group of hackers and a green flag with written in Arabic. The attack, which occurred for near about one hour From 10 PM to 11 PM Pacific Time, quite a long time for network in which the screen of Twitter has been replaced by ‘IRANIAN CYBER ARMY ‘

Then the situation is back to normal, and the microblogging site has begun to operate. That’s the word networking by pirates, complete with e-mail: “This site has been pirated by ‘Iranian Cyber Army. The United States believed to control and manage their Internet access, but wrong. It is we who control and manage the network with our power, so do not try to provoke the Iranian people. Now, what country is on the list of the embargo? Iran? the U.S.? “. Then a “smile” and two words: “Take care, greetings. In addition, some sentences in Persian praising the Supreme Guide, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and threats to the reform movement Green Wave. US media outlet Fox News reports that the Arabic writing above the flag reads, “Hezbollah is victorious.”

According to reports, the group claimed the cyber attack was not immediately recognized by the investigators. The action could be taken as a reprisal action in the United States government, which during the protests against the Iranian election had intervened to Twitter to remain a tool of the demonstrators in Tehran. In particular, the hottest day of the protest, the Obama administration had asked the operators of social networks to postpone a service job that would lead to temporary deactivation of the site. Twitter, a social network of the world’s most popular and ambitious, has already been the protagonist of other attacks and slowdowns in the past. .

Currently, the Twitter is limited to comment on the incident with a post: “The DNS Twitter have been compromised at the moment, but have now been restored. We are trying to understand the cause of the incident. We will update soon with more info” .

Rick Furguson of Trend Micro commented that “this kind of DNS hijacking usually involves compromising the registrar responsible for the DNS records of the victim company, the attackers then make unauthorized changes to the DNS records. These changes mean that when you or I type a web site address into our browsers, we are directed not to the real web site but to a second site, set up by the hackers, in this case the ‘Iranian Cyber Army’. This has the net effect of making it look like, in this example, servers belonging to Twitter were compromised when in reality that was not the case.”

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